Elaine’s Personal Injury Testimonial

Getting up in the morning, we had a doctor’s appointment. There was a light, the light turned and the accident happened during that time. The person behind me, they saw the light turn, but the cars were not moving, but they ran, they accelerated and hit me in the back. And what happens was I was, I was shifted and my husband also, we were both injured, my husband and I. My back was hurting me so badly. I went to see an orthopedic specialist…

[ Watch the video to hear Elaine’s story ]

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About Preston, Wilson & Crandley, PLC
You may be entitled to financial compensation if you have been injured due to another driver’s carelessness. Our firm’s typical personal injury cases involve automobile accident injuries and premises injuries, ranging from minor fender benders to catastrophic injuries. Our firm has been representing the people of Hampton Roads in auto accidents and other injury cases since 1955. If you have been hurt in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, give us a call, and put our experience to work for you.

For a Personal Injury Attorney, please get in touch with us at (757) 486-2700.

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